Saturday, November 1, 2008

Riah Experiences Take Off

Here's just a short video of Riah during our take off flying to Madison from Denver. As you can see, he is more than interested. :) It was definitely hard keeping him entertained during our 2 flights. He slept a total of 30 mintues out of a 6 hour trip. I guess he was just way to excited to sleep, but I can assure you, he was very tired! The biggest hit was the Cow-Pig movie, and his color wonder markers! Benedryl did not seem to work. Although both flights, I was lucky enough to have the seat next to me open. A total blessing!

After a long first flight in Denver. Not tired at all! :)


Jesse, Katie, Zechariah, and Jake said...

I miss that boy.....

The Frechette's said...

That was a great video! I'm glad he did well and that you had an open seat both flights!! Praise God!