Thursday, October 30, 2008

Off to Chicago!

4:30 Tommorow morning, Riah and I will be leaving for Chicago for 2 whole weeks! It is a long overdue trip to visit my parents who have not seen Riah since he was 5 months old. He is now almost 22 months. Our bags are packed, I have gone to many measures to make sure I have everything I think Riah should need on an airplane. We could not go without his favorite book "Mr Brown can Moo", and his favorite movie "Barnyard" a.k.a. "Cow-Pig". A few other thigs added to my list include: some color wonder markers, fruit gummy snacks and various other goodies he never gets to eat, toy airplanes, a sticker book, and of course his Monkey. Alot of the things I am bringing are new to him and he has never seen, so it should be fun for him to explore some new territory and hopefully keep him busy. Busy is good, busy is happy! Many searches through the wonderful world of the internet led me to some great ideas for plane activities. And yes, benedryl will be close at hand if needed. :)

1 comment:

The Frechette's said...

Love that you are blogging now! Great job! Hope you have a wonderful night with your hubby and that these next two weeks for his sake, go by fast :). Have a great time seeing family and we'll be praying for you and Riah for the flight there and back!
Much Love