Friday, June 26, 2009

36 weeks

One more week till I'll be considered full term. I have an ultrasound this morning to check the size of the baby and my fluid levels, because I have been measuring 3 cm ahead. Baby has dropped about a little, not too much. I'll keep ya'll posted.

So, my ultrasound showed a healthy baby average size they say at 36 weeks, although what is making me measure big is not the baby, (they guessed 6.5-7 lbs right now), but the OODLES of fluid I have. I guess we have a swimmer on our hands! Hopefully he'll stay head down. He had what looked like a mohawk, which the doc pointed out was a full head of hair!! Wonder who he gets that from?! :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My son is potty trained!!!

The day before we were having all of Jesse's family over for his graduation was the day I decided to give potty training a try on an aggressive approach. I was extremely skeptical and after the first day ended in about 3 different loads of dirty soiled blankets and underwear, I was about to give up and just accept that my 2 year old would not be using a potty until after 3. Jesse was quick to reassure me and gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going.
Sure enough, day 2 ended with only 1 load of partially soiled underwear and Riah was going to the potty without being asked.
Day 3, I was amazed!...He was pooping in the potty, and was going on his own all day! Only once did he have an accident while trying to get his pants down which just didn't happen quick enough in front of the potty,
Day accidents AND a dry diaper after a nap along with him saying "mommy...go pee??!! (as he headed off to the toilet once he woke up) Sorry for all the details. I just want to encourage mommies to keep going and not give up too quickly, also so I can look back on this when it comes time for Caleb to be trained. I am soo proud of my son! He did it! Now the challenge comes of everyday routine and errands. How will he do outside of our home?! We will see this week. To be continued....