Monday, December 21, 2009

Caleb, The Determined.

I caught Caleb just yesterday attempting to pull his knees and feet underneath him so he could scoot forward. His first attempts at crawling! He's just 24 weeks old. This was the second time I have ever seen him do this and was able to get a few moments of it on video. He's not quite sure yet what to do with his arms, but he'll catch on I'm sure. He's a determined little bug. Before you know it, my littlest guy will be all over the place!

I remember the first time Riah started crawling, and I lost him in the house!! After a few moments of panic, we soon after found him playing behind the toilet.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Mexico by God's grace.

We have been continually in prayer for the past few months for God to give us direction for our family. We have felt God to be moving us, but not sure where. The past months have been a difficult transition period, seeing so many different directions we could just "go!". Patience is not an easy thing for me, especially when it comes to direction. So this time in my life has been especially hard.

Slowly, it has become clear that God is moving us in ONE specific direction. Our desire is to love and serve the Lord wherever we are. Our hope is that we will be able to be God's hands and feet at a Christian Camp in New Mexico. It would be a huge move for us, but God continues to stir our hearts for the center.

We are continuing in prayer that God would continue to confirm this move if that be what he has for us to do. We are very excited about the opportunity and are praying that the doors will continue to pave the way for us to fill the needs that the camp has. It would be a whole different kind of life there, living in the bush!

God is soo big! Excited to be a part of what he is doing down there!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

October Family Visit

We were blessed to have our family here over Halloween weekend. My mom was able to fly out thanks to my aunt Dana and Claudine who give so much of lives for her. We are extremely thankful for what they do for my mom. My sister Jess was also able to come out again. We don't ever get to be together ll at one time, so this was a special blessing.

Halloween out on the town for the parade.

Breakfast made by Jesse. How awesome it was to spend this time with my mom and sis. Couldn't ask for anything better to wake up to!

We had one beautiful day in the park without rain. Took full advantage!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My little guys...

Caleb is now 7 weeks, 3 days old. He is beginning to hold his head up very well on his own and has begun trying to push himself up with his hands. I would imagine he is weighing in at over 10 lbs at this point. I'm still waiting for him to give me a big smile while he is AWAKE! They're the moments that bring so much joy...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sister Weekend

My sister Jessica came to visit from Phoenix, AZ. She stayed with us for 4 days. It was a long-awaited visit, and not long enough! Riah quickly became attached to his favorite aunt, and was sad to see her go. He will never forget who gave him his first soccer ball now that he is going pro! Thanks Aunt Jess!

I loved nothing more than getting some time to spend with my sis! I wish we could live closer to one another. Though it was a short visit, it meant the world to me.

We also had the chance to take some family shots in the park. The weather was fantastic, could not have been better! When we weren't strolling through the park or downtown, we spent our days at the pool lying out while the boys napped.

Overall, it was a great week, minus the lack of sleep Jesse and I were getting. :) We look forward to more family and friends visiting in October! Can't wait!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Riah got a new firetruck after visiting the fire station with his daddy. Whenever he gets a new toy, he always brings it into bed with him for naptime. Too cute! I couldn't resist :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Love these moments of joy!

Caleb is just about a month old now. I adore him! These are the moments he sees Jesus in his sleep :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Do

We gave Riah his second haircut FINALLY. It was getting a little wild!

The end result...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Father Son Duo

Jesse had his first day off since Caleb was born. Riah loves his time with his daddy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Caleb is now 1 week old. He is doing great! Nights are getting easier, as he is getting more of a routine down. He sleeps 23 hours of the day right now. I forgot about that! I am recovering well, but it is a slow process for sure! He is gaining weight at a rapid pace which is awesome. He is so tiny! I am so madly in love with him, I just want to hold him all day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

just a little miracle

He came into our lives a bit sooner than we expected at 37 weeks. I had just found out at my regular checkup that he had turned to breech. If you remember I had a lot of extra fluid which showed in my ultrasound. The u/s tech had warned me that it was plenty to allow baby Caleb to turn any which way he pleased. Well, turns out he did.
Soooooo, I went in for an external cephalic version (where they turn the baby manually back to the head down position). It worked. If you can imagine a coupe of sumo wrestlers sitting on your stomach and chest giving your stomach a sort of "indian burn", that is what it felt like.
Afterwards I was monitored. Everything looked and seemed fine to me, but Caleb's heartbeat just wasn;t moving up and down like it should while I was having simple braxton contractions. Jani, my doctor, was concerned and didn't feel quite right about it, so she told me that I need to have this baby today!! BIG SURPRISE!! Either I was going to have to get induced with pitocin or opt to go straight for a c-section. We choose the pitocin, so we could attempt a natural birth.
Once they started that, my contractions began to come every minute although they just felt like strong braxtons. After reviewing the monitor and baby's heartrate, Jani just did not feel good about what she was seeing so she said I needed to have a c-section NOW.
Even though I really didn't have time to face the reality of Caleb being born that day, we had no choice, something was wrong. It was extremly tough. Turns out, Caleb's cord was tied in a knot! An actual knot! Very rare. If he would not have turned breech and I had not gone to the hospital for the version and to be montiored, it would have been a much worse outcome. Caleb is really a miracle! He knew just what to do to let us know he needed help. Smart little guy!
And here he is.. born July 3rd at 4:15. 6 lbs. 9 oz. 19 iches long.... Caleb Timothy Banks.

Friday, June 26, 2009

36 weeks

One more week till I'll be considered full term. I have an ultrasound this morning to check the size of the baby and my fluid levels, because I have been measuring 3 cm ahead. Baby has dropped about a little, not too much. I'll keep ya'll posted.

So, my ultrasound showed a healthy baby average size they say at 36 weeks, although what is making me measure big is not the baby, (they guessed 6.5-7 lbs right now), but the OODLES of fluid I have. I guess we have a swimmer on our hands! Hopefully he'll stay head down. He had what looked like a mohawk, which the doc pointed out was a full head of hair!! Wonder who he gets that from?! :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My son is potty trained!!!

The day before we were having all of Jesse's family over for his graduation was the day I decided to give potty training a try on an aggressive approach. I was extremely skeptical and after the first day ended in about 3 different loads of dirty soiled blankets and underwear, I was about to give up and just accept that my 2 year old would not be using a potty until after 3. Jesse was quick to reassure me and gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going.
Sure enough, day 2 ended with only 1 load of partially soiled underwear and Riah was going to the potty without being asked.
Day 3, I was amazed!...He was pooping in the potty, and was going on his own all day! Only once did he have an accident while trying to get his pants down which just didn't happen quick enough in front of the potty,
Day accidents AND a dry diaper after a nap along with him saying "mommy...go pee??!! (as he headed off to the toilet once he woke up) Sorry for all the details. I just want to encourage mommies to keep going and not give up too quickly, also so I can look back on this when it comes time for Caleb to be trained. I am soo proud of my son! He did it! Now the challenge comes of everyday routine and errands. How will he do outside of our home?! We will see this week. To be continued....

Friday, May 29, 2009

The ABC Video

I tried to get Riah to sing his ABC's on video. I wish I could have gotten the whole thing, but it is quite hard to capture it just right.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

31 weeks.

This morning, I am heading off to the Dragonfly for brunch with some girlfriends for my baby shower. I can't believe how close it's getting to Caleb's arrival!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun at the pool

The weather here has finally been getting really warm! The pool was just about 72 degrees and getting warmer. This was the first day we actually went out to use our pool this season. Riah's favorite is the hot tub! He also liked "the boat" a.k.a raft in the pool. Fun day! Looking forward to many more of these before baby comes!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

29 weeks and 4 days


I am super excited that I only have about 2 1/2 months left to go!! Feeling GREAT!:)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Sandbox

Jesse worked hard all weekend building the perfect sandbox for Riah and Caleb.

Hard work paid off! Riah loves his new sandbox. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Congratulations Riah!

Zechariah, now 27 months old, is happy to announce that he went poop in the potty for the first time. ALL BY HIMSELF! Then came running to tell us. Usually he will say that he did, but to no avail. This time he did not cry wolf. Unless, your a parent, I am sure this does not sound so great, but let me assure you IT IS! YEAAA RIAH!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

An answer to prayer...

Jesse was out of work a few weeks ago, and we were praying that God would bring him some so our bills would continue to get paid and well..... We found out just how mysterious God can work and in what miraculous un-thought of ways. We woke the next morning to find the pool and hot tub looking like this! Turns out some old evicted tenant pulled a little prank, thus giving Jesse a days worth of work because of it. PRAISE THE LORD! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Visit to the Farm

Took Riah to see the goats, pot-belly pigs, deer, wallaby,donkeys, llamas, turkeys, sheep and ponies at the petting zoo called The Farm. He did NOT want to leave!

He had a great time running up and greeting each of the animals by saying hello with much enthusiasm. If one came straight at him he would look hesitant with arms reached outwards, stepping backwards a bit saying "it's ok, it's ok". He really liked watching the ponies, although when you would ask him if he wanted to ride one, he said plainly "NO." (Still traumatized by the "very loud" horse at the animal fair I guess) It was all a great experience. When we got home, he fell right asleep. PERFECT. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Riah Can't Dance.

We entered a baby dancing contest for Caleb to win a BOB stroller. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

25 weeks, 5 days

So Caleb is really getting BIG these days. They say he is about as long as an english cucumber, and weighs like a pound and two thirds. Seeing as how I am again measuring BIG, it is my guess he is already over 2 lbs, but who knows! I do know that I have been growing like mad! I don't get a break, its crazy. It's fun to nudge him back when he kicks and moves around now. It's very easy to feel his little body parts moving around and pertruding through my belly. This, along with the restless legs and only having essentially 2 sleep positions has made my slumber quite disturbed lately. All comes in one miraculous package I guess, and I'll take it if I get another boy like my Riah. :) 100 DAYS TO GO!! woohoo.

A little overdue....


Zechariah's 2nd Birthday........ Lost pics found!
I know, I am a little late, but I misplaced these photos a while back and just found them. For Riah's Birthday Party we had a few of his friends over for waffles and whip cream. It was a lot of fun.
Alot of juice and sugar later....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Growing so fast!

Zechariah David Banks. 26 months old. Some of my favorite things are coloring, talking, driving my cars, playing outside, skype 'ing grandma, tormenting Jake, chocolate milk, books ("I almost forgot"), playing drums, being loud and Daddy!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

21 weeks and counting down!

Ya'll Are probably sick of seeing pictures of my belly. Sorry :) I am enjoying blogging my progress. A friend of mine just had her second little boy and visiting them in the hospital has made me even more super excited and ANXIOUS to bring Caleb home in my arms! I could not be happier and am feeling great! I look forward to what God has in store for us as a family, both the good and the bad....I will continue to learn to trust Him everyday for everything he has given and taken away in and from our lives. He knows exactly what we need, which is great because I get confused most of the time!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Just a quick photo update of my latest growth. I feel the baby constantly now. Sleeping has become one of my NOT so favorite activities now that it has become so difficult to find a comfortable position. I usually find myself waking up in the middle of the night numerous times on my back and having to roll over on a side(your not suppose to be on your back) :)
Zechariah now walks into the baby's room which he now calls Caleb's. Soo cute. If I forgot to mention, we have decided to name him Caleb Timothy Banks.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

IT's a BOy!!!!!!!!!

This morning I had my BIG ultrasound, as they call it. I went in thinking that the crazy little baby inside me was going to be stubborn and not share with us the big news...BUT, he was not only willing, but he was not camera shy either!! Yep, it's a boy!! We got to see him lounging with his hands behind his head (just like Riah does), then a somewhat different quality that I have not seen Riah share...sucking his thumb. So cute! I am super excited, I was secretly hoping for another BOY :) Guess we'll have to try again for a girl sometime down the road, hopefully a good long road until I can get used to having 2!! I really can't wait. What a blessing!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pregnancy for dummies.

I am currently 17 weeks along. Its been fun to compare our baby every week to a fruit or vegetable. It's nice that the pregnancy websites explain your growing baby in "laymans" terms. Like were not spacey and scatterbrained enough! Today I had to envision a turnip as the approximate weight of my baby right now. This was right after i went to top off my coffee this morning, yet insteadtook my cup to the fridge and began filling up with water from the filter. Fortunately my one cup of coffee was not ruined. :) To all the baby websites out there who understand....thanks, 5 ounces will do just fine.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

16 weeks 6 days

Mile Stone this week. My already "outie" belly button is beginning its popping stage. This is huge!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Something familiar.

Believe it or not, our baby is now the size of an avacado! Approximately 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces. They say your suppose to gain 12-15 pounds this trimester.(I've already gained 12) ALOT of growth going on!