Tuesday, July 7, 2009

just a little miracle

He came into our lives a bit sooner than we expected at 37 weeks. I had just found out at my regular checkup that he had turned to breech. If you remember I had a lot of extra fluid which showed in my ultrasound. The u/s tech had warned me that it was plenty to allow baby Caleb to turn any which way he pleased. Well, turns out he did.
Soooooo, I went in for an external cephalic version (where they turn the baby manually back to the head down position). It worked. If you can imagine a coupe of sumo wrestlers sitting on your stomach and chest giving your stomach a sort of "indian burn", that is what it felt like.
Afterwards I was monitored. Everything looked and seemed fine to me, but Caleb's heartbeat just wasn;t moving up and down like it should while I was having simple braxton contractions. Jani, my doctor, was concerned and didn't feel quite right about it, so she told me that I need to have this baby today!! BIG SURPRISE!! Either I was going to have to get induced with pitocin or opt to go straight for a c-section. We choose the pitocin, so we could attempt a natural birth.
Once they started that, my contractions began to come every minute although they just felt like strong braxtons. After reviewing the monitor and baby's heartrate, Jani just did not feel good about what she was seeing so she said I needed to have a c-section NOW.
Even though I really didn't have time to face the reality of Caleb being born that day, we had no choice, something was wrong. It was extremly tough. Turns out, Caleb's cord was tied in a knot! An actual knot! Very rare. If he would not have turned breech and I had not gone to the hospital for the version and to be montiored, it would have been a much worse outcome. Caleb is really a miracle! He knew just what to do to let us know he needed help. Smart little guy!
And here he is.. born July 3rd at 4:15. 6 lbs. 9 oz. 19 iches long.... Caleb Timothy Banks.

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