These days seem to be flying by lately. I am currently 12 weeks into my pregnancy. Continuing to feel sick mostly in the evening around bedtime and some into the morning. I am noticing quite a lot more back pain and cramping then I remember in my previous pregnancy. I am hanging in there :).
Riah is just growing up on me so fast. He is now counting. He knows how to count to 10. Well, I have heard him do it more than a couple times. Other times, he forgets a 3 or 6 in there, but he is doing great! He still absolutely loves coloring and writing. He loves to make circles and what he calls the number four. He will point out who everyone is in the room including himself, just in case we might have forgotten who we are.
And, in a week we will be celebrating his 2nd birthday!! We have decided to have a few of his friends over to just hang and eat waffle and pancake sundaes. (It is going to be a brunch party) Riah loves waffles and pancakes.
Jesse has begun school and is in the process of adjusting to all the reading once again. I think he has to read like 60 pages a day in order to stay caught up. That on top of work, being a daddy and husband to a sick and sometimes grumpy pregnant lady can be rough! But I must say, he does an amazing job!